How To Be Productive And Healthy When Working From Home
August 31, 2020 • 5 min read •I will share my experience, daily routine, and tips on how to manage your day to be productive at work, stay healthy, and also spend time with your family.
I will share my experience, daily routine, and tips on how to manage your day to be productive at work, stay healthy, and also spend time with your family.
I have recently updated the design of the site and added a few new features to make my site complete.
Code quality is the most important goal that you should pursue in your project. If neglected, it can cause a devastating effect in the long run. Your project becomes hard to maintain. Costs increase, and the motivation of developers to work with such a project declines. In this article, I am going to describe the ways how you can ensure better code quality in your codebase.
When the Covid-19 outbreak started, I started to work from home as many people did. It meant that I do not have to spend extra hours on the commute. So I decided to spend the saved time to invest more in broadening my knowledge in finance, entrepreneurship, and information technology. Investing in your knowledge is the best investment that you could do. Listening to the podcasts was one of the new things that I started to do.
I will describe my own interviewing experience with developers. I will present the list of technical questions that I ask during the interview. I will also show the checklist of home task review criteria.
We have decided to install .NET Core runtime in the Azure Service Fabric cluster to reduce the package size deployed to the cluster. We already had Terraform templates for Virtual Machine Scale Sets.
In this article, I am going to describe how to implement error handling using the RabbitMQ and MassTransit library in messaging architecture. It will make your data handling pipeline more resilient and reliable.
Code review is an excellent way to ensure a better quality of your codebase. I will describe the top ten common mistakes that developers make and how to solve them.
The multi-stage pipelines feature is relatively new in Azure DevOps and allows you to split the deployment process into multiple stages and reuse then.
I will share my experience of migrating from ARM to Terraform, how to organize project structure, and the pros and cons of using Terraform.